Curso de inglés en línea: Past Simple Negative

He didn't play soccer yesterday. I didn't complete my homework. Alexa didn't watch the movie. We didn't go to the party. My family didn't buy a new car. You didn't attend the meeting.

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Pasado Simple Negativo: Esctructura y oraciones

Base verbs: have, do, go, want, make, take, watch.

Subject + didn't + base verb + complement.

  • He didn't play soccer yesterday. Él no jugó fútbol ayer.
  • I didn't complete my homework. Yo no completé mis deberes.
  • Alexa didn't watch the movie. Alexa no vio la película.
  • We didn't go to the party. Nosotros no fuimos a la fiesta.
  • My family didn't buy a new car. Mi familia no compró un carro nuevo.
  • You didn't attend the meeting. Ustedes no asistieron a la reunión.
  • Max and John didn't have time. Max y John no tenían tiempo.

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