Curso de inglés en línea: frases en inglés y español · How old are you? ...

How old are you? That's personal information. I'm 25 years old. How about you? What is your favorite food? I don't really have a favorite. I like to eat Chinese food. Are you married?

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Lección 477

How old are you? ...

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Frases en inglés para aprender.

A continuación, te presentamos una lista de frases de inglés traducidas: 

How old are you?

That's personal information.

I'm 25 years old. How about you?

What is your favorite food?

I don't really have a favorite.

I like to eat Chinese food.

Are you married or single?

I prefer not to answer that.

I'm married. My wife's name is Lily.

Can you speak another language?

No, I can't speak another language.

Yes, I can speak French and English.

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